Bulletin Board

Together, we are East Denver Strong!

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TitleNotice of a Temporary Sales Room Floor Application for Thesis LLC - 5004 National Western Dr2024-02-16 10:56
Name Level 10
AttachmentSalesroom_THESIS LLC_03-09649.pdf (610.6KB)



Please be advised that an application for a Colorado Liquor Sales Room Permit has been filed with the state liquor licensing authority for an establishment in your neighborhood.  Please review the attached documents for information regarding this application. 


Pursuant to a state law passed in 2015, a Colorado Liquor Sales Room Permit allows a licensed winery, distillery, or brewery to operate a Sales Room for the sale or service of their alcoholic beverages for on-premises or off-premises (packaged) consumption.  Denver Department of Excise and Licenses, as the local liquor licensing authority, may solicit public input regarding this permit’s impact on “traffic, noise, or other neighborhood concerns” and other factors listed on the attached application form.


Please provide any public input regarding this application within five (5) days via email to:


Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division, dor_liqlicensing@state.co.us

Molly Duplechian, Executive Director, Denver Department of Excise and Licenses, 




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