Bulletin Board

Together, we are East Denver Strong!

The bulletins page contains actions and application submittals to the City of Denver. You should review them to see how they may affect your community and neighborhood.

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TitleRecreation Operation Impacts: Center Hours + Spring Activity Updates 2024-02-16 10:58
Name Level 10

As the city responds to the influx of newcomers from the southern border, Denver Recreation Center hours will be reduced beginning Tuesday, February 20 to accommodate budgeting needs. Regional centers will go from 7 days of weekly operation to 6 days. Local and neighborhood centers will continue to be open 6 days a week, however, with reduced hours of operation.  


View all Denver Recreation Center hours as of February 20, 2024. 


To accommodate new schedules, spring program registration has been postponed and will open Tuesday, March 5 at noon. Activity listings will be available to view at denvergov.org/ActivitiesPrograms on February 27.  


These are tough decisions that have been made while the city works to balance impacts to city services. Learn more about newcomer and migrant support


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