Bulletin Board

Together, we are East Denver Strong!

The bulletins page contains actions and application submittals to the City of Denver. You should review them to see how they may affect your community and neighborhood.

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TitleCONTINUED: Tashmo Ko, CO - 3827 Lafayette St. - New Beer and Wine License Hearing2024-10-01 19:52
Name Level 10

The Tashmo Ko, CO hearing did occur on September 19, 2024 at 1:00 pm, however the hearing officer continued the hearing because a neighborhood witness was needed. The hearing will be continued to October 10, 2024 at 9:00 am. The same hearing link will be used from the previous hearing located in the Applicant Letter.


Applicant: Tashmo Ko, CO

Business Address: 3827 Lafayette St.

Business File Number: 2024-BFN-0028820

Liquor License Type: Beer and Wine

Cabaret: N/A

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