Bulletin Board

Together, we are East Denver Strong!

The bulletins page contains actions and application submittals to the City of Denver. You should review them to see how they may affect your community and neighborhood.

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TitleGreen Valley Ranch West Park Improvements Coming - Take the Survey!2024-10-01 19:50
Name Level 10

Don’t Forget! Planned enhancements are in the works for Green Valley Ranch West Park, including replacing the basketball court, pedestrian lighting, storm drainage, outdoor recreation equipment, ADA-compliant walkways, picnic area, and upgrades to irrigation. We invite you to take an online survey to give us your feedback on the park. The survey will close on Sunday October 13, 2024. SAVE THE DATE: Public Meeting on November 19, 2024 at Green Valley Ranch Recreation Center


Survey Link: http://tinyurl.com/GVRWP-1


For more information visit: www.denvergov.org/parkprojects

Download the survey flyer here


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¡No lo olvides! Se están planeando mejoras planificadas para Green Valley Ranch West Park, incluido el remplazo de la cancha de baloncesto, la iluminación peatonal, el drenaje pluvial, los equipos de recreación, los senderos que cumplen con la ADA (accesibilidad), el área de picnic y mejoras al riego. Lo invitamos a realizar una encuesta en línea de 5 a 10 minutos para brindarnos su opinión sobre este parque. La encuesta se cerrará Domingo 13 de Octubre, 2024. RESERVA LA FECHA: Reunión Pública el 19 de Noviembre de 2024 al Centro de Recreación de Green Valley Ranch


Encuesta en español: http://tinyurl.com/GVRWP-1-esp


Para más información del proyecto visite: https://www.denvergov.org/parkprojects

Descargue el folleto de la encuesta aquí


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It is your right to access oral or written language assistance, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations. To request any of these services at no cost to you, please reach out to parksandrecreation@denvergov.org with three business days' notice. 




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