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TitleReview End Date 03/11/2024 - 2024-ENCROACHMENT-0000018 - Tier III 3463 Lawrence Street Sanitary Sewer Line2024-02-17 10:10
Name Level 10

Dear Reviewers, 


Thank you for participating in our review process. Please review the project drawings and document(s) that describe the proposed encroachment into the public right-of-way for any issues that your company/department may have the proposed action.


Project Description:

Sanitary sewer line running parallel to property line at 3463 Lawrence St.

This encroachment in necessary to service the units with sanitary lines exterior to the foundation to meet building code.


You have three weeks to complete your review. If you have not submitted your comments in Accela or the Electronic Review web site by 5:00 pm on March 11, 2024, we will assume that your company/department approves this use of the right-of-way.

If you are a city employee and have access to Accela Automation, please access the project files associated with this review and comment at the Accela Record ID: 2024-ENCROACHMENT-0000018. NOTE: Accela does not allow certain characters to be copy-pasted from other documents: apostrophes (’), quotation marks(”), long dashes(–), and bullet points. You may re-type characters once in Accela.


If you do not have access to Accela, you can access the project files and submit your review comments by selecting the corresponding project (2024-ENCROACHMENT-0000018) at the Denver Public Works E-Review Web Page.


You will be able to respond with your comments online, which in turn, will become available to the customer at the same E-Review web page. Please be very clear as to your company/department's needs on this particular issue.




Note the following definitions of review comment status

and subsequent action required for each


Reviewer Action: select this comment status if you approve this application based on documents provided in this review, or believe your comment(s) SHOULD be addressed and incorporated into the project, and that you DO NOT wish to receive or review a revised set of project documents before the project moves forward.


Applicant Action: any comments that are resolved should be documented in the next or final submittal. Please note that any project changes that result in proposed features being RELOCATED will trigger a formal resubmittal. 



Reviewer Action: this comment status will be automatically selected on your behalf if you do not respond to this review opportunity or do not enter any comments.  Following this, it will be assumed you and/ or your agency have no objection to the project as submitted moving forward.


Applicant Action: no action is needed


Reviewer Action: select this comment status if you believe your comment(s) MUST be addressed and  incorporated into the project, and that you DO NOT REQUIRE A FORMAL RESUBMITTAL of revised plans/ documents before the project moves forward.   If the Applicant can prove attempts to contact you to resolve your comment(s), and you have not responded in a reasonable period of time (2 weeks or less), the project may be approved by the Public Works Department to continue without your consent.


Applicant Action: Either fully address and incorporate all comments into the project, or communicate directly with the reviewer to resolve to the satisfaction of the reviewer.   Upon next (or final) submittal, the applicant must provide a written response explaining how all comments with this status were completely resolved, or provide written documentation from the reviewer that the comment(s) were resolved to their satisfaction.   The comment status will only be verified by the ER team upon next/ final submittal only.   Please note that any project changes that result in proposed features being RELOCATED will trigger a formal resubmittal. 



Reviewer Action: select this comment status if you believe your comment(s) MUST be incorporated into the project, and that you REQUIRE A FORMAL RESUBMITTAL of revised plans/ documents before the project moves forward.   Please be aware that by selecting this status, that significant time and expense will be incurred by the Applicant, the City, and external agencies to satisfy another resubmittal and plan review process. 


Applicant Action: Fully address and incorporate all comments into the project.  Communicate directly with the reviewer to resolve any questions.  NO CHANGE IN STATUS WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE ER TEAM BEFORE NEXT SUBMITTAL.  Upon next (or final) submittal, the Applicant must provide a written response explaining how all comments with this status were completely resolved and/ or any specific considerations required by the Reviewer. 

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the Web documents or detailed information on this particular project.

Thank you,


Shari Bills | PRT I 

City & County of Denver  

Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI) 

Right of Way Services (ROWS) | Engineering & Regulatory (ER) 

Phone: (720) 865-3108 


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